Drip Masters Expert IV Nurses is honoured to announce Robin Tentoni as our Chief Nursing Officer. Robin brings extensive experience infusion nursing, having previously served as a Director of Nursing at one of the largest home infusion companies. She is well-versed in nursing education, home infusion, and nursing operations. Robin has been with us since 2022 in the background investing her time and knowledge in Drip Masters Expert IV Nurses. We look forward to Robins new role taking Drip Masters to the next level of excellence.
Robin has a distinguished history in the hospital and infusion industry, including serving as past president of the Infusion Nurses Society CT chapter. She held her CRNI for many years. She is a relationship-based, skilled leader with a background in Emergency Medicine and infusion nursing. Her expertise includes patient advocacy, nursing education, and team building, all with a focus on quality and extraordinary care.